Kd502 datasheet, equivalent, cross reference search. K1118 datasheet, k1118 pdf, k1118 data sheet, datasheet, data sheet, pdf. Dec 29, 2018 kd501 datasheet pdf 40v, 20a, 150w, npn transistor tesla, kd501 pdf, kd501 pinout, equivalent, replacement, kd501 schematic, kd501 manual, kd502, kd503. Kd503 datasheet, kd503 pdf, kd503 data sheet, datasheet, data sheet, pdf, tesla elektronicke, af power transistor npn. Jun 20, 2019 kd503 datasheet pdf tesla kd datasheet, af power transistor npn 1page, kd datasheet, kd pdf, kd datasheet pdf, kd pinouts. Kf5n50prfrpsfs n channel mos field effect transistor revision no. They were used extensively in the former eastern bloc countries in audio power amplifiers made by czechoslovakian tesla, polish.
Kd503 datasheet pdf pinout af power transistor npn. Jul 15, 2019 s transistor datasheet pdf, s equivalent. When the device is used as an emitter follower with a low source. Kd502 af power transistor npn components datasheet pdf data sheet free from datasheet data sheet search for integrated circuits ic, semiconductors and other electronic components such as resistors, capacitors, transistors and diodes. Download or read online motorola semiconductor 2n switching transistors pdf datasheet. Mjw0281a npn mjw0302a pnp preferred devices complementary npn. Fast shipping on all bipolar transistors orders within europe. Lp395 ultra reliable power transistor datasheet texas instruments. Kd502 kd3055 kd3773 kd503 kd607 kd616 kd602 kd501 kd606 text.
Complementary low voltage transistor features products are preselected in dc current gain application general purpose description these epitaxial planar transistors are mounted in the sot32 plastic package. Kd503 are packaged in a to3 case style called t41 by tesla, it is a 20 amp, 80 volt, 150 watt power transistor. C106d1 thyristor scr 4a 400v to225aa on semiconductor datasheet pdf data sheet free from datasheet data sheet search for integrated circuits ic, semiconductors and other electronic components such as resistors, capacitors, transistors and diodes. Kd501 datasheet, equivalent, cross reference search. It is mainly suitable for electronic ballast and switching mode. Kd501 datasheet pdf 40v, 20a, 150w, npn transistor tesla, kd501 pdf, kd501 pinout, equivalent, replacement, kd501 schematic, kd501 manual, kd502, kd503. The kd503 have higher power and higher current than 2n3055. Exposure to limiting values for extended periods may affect device reliability. They are designed for audio amplifiers and drivers utilizing complementary or quasicomplementary circuits. Kd502 datasheet pdf, kd502 data sheet, kd502, kd502. Absolute maximum ratings ta25c unless otherwise noted.
The tpa3111d1 device is a 10w, efficient, classd audio power amplifier for driving a bridge tied speaker. Fzt datasheet the fzt from diode inc is a surface mount, 60v npn high performance transistor in. Sn sn sn sn sp sn sp sn sp sn sn sn sn sn sf359 bdy10 kd503 kt817w bd9 bd140 bd9 bd140 bd9 bd140 kd503 kd503 bd243b bd232 kt817h kt816w kt817w kt816w kt817g 300 70 300 45 70 120, bd262 bd263 bdj54b bd354b bd355b bd355b kd503 kd503 mj3001 kd503 kd503 bdy10 bdy10 kd503 bdy. We map away wrong codes or sometimes logistic variants. Speakerguard speaker protection system includes an adjustable power limiter and a dc detection circuit. Kd501 datasheet pdf 40v, 20a, 150w, npn transistor tesla, kd501 pdf.
Ksd5703 datasheet, ksd5703 pdf, ksd5703 data sheet, ksd5703 manual, ksd5703 pdf, ksd5703, datenblatt, electronics ksd5703, alldatasheet, free, datasheet, datasheets. Complementary silicon power transistors 6th revision pdf. Savantic silicon npn power transistors,alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for. A listing of scillcs productpatent coverage may be accessed at. Thread starter nick42 start date nov 4, select a valid country. Rfpowerldmostransistor highruggednessnchannel mrf1k50h.
B tends to be used for dual varicap diodes l in the context of transistors designates rf power transmitting transistors. Suggested resale price per unit usd for budgetary use only. S is a pnp transistor hence the collector and emitter will be left open reverse biased when the base pin is held at ground and will be. Pdf kd501 kd502 kd503 kd601 kd602 kd605 kd615 kd616 kd617 kd3055 kd3773 kd607 kd606. C3281 datasheet, c3281 pdf, c3281 data sheet, datasheet, data sheet, pdf. Kd503 datasheet pdf af power transistor npn tesla elektronicke. These epitaxial planar transistors are mounted in the sot32 plastic package. Kd606 60 5 10 2 70a 155 0,5 60 30 2 1 a a 2 t39 10 2 10 2,4 2 a kd607 80 5. The 2n3055 is a silicon npn power transistor intended for general purpose applications. Ksp datasheet, ksp pdf, ksp data sheet, datasheet, data sheet, pdf, fairchild semiconductor, npn epitaxial silicon darlington transistor. The maximum collectortoemitter voltage for the 2n, like other transistors, depends on the resistance path the external circuit provides between the base and emitter of the transistor. Datasheet contains the design specifications for product development. Shindengen switching power transistor8a npn,alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search. Mar 17, 2019 2sc4834 datasheet pdf 2sc datasheet, 2sc circuit, 2sc data sheet.
Complementary low voltage transistor stmicroelectronics. Please contact our sales support for information on specific devices. Sep 22, 2019 ksp transistor datasheet pdf, ksp equivalent. The npn types are the bd5 and bd9, and the complementary pnp types are the bd6 and bd140. Obsolete not in production this datasheet contains specifications on a product that has been discontinued by fairchild semiconductor. The datasheetarchive datasheet search engine author. Kd501 datasheet pdf 40v, 20a, 150w, npn transistor. Kd503 af power transistor npn components datasheet pdf data sheet free from datasheet data sheet search for integrated circuits ic. Nov 06, 2018 d07k datasheet pdf npn 400v 8a 80w 3dd07k, d07k pdf, d07k pinout, d07k equivalent, d07k replacement, output, ic, schematic. May 14, 2019 with changes to semiconductor manufacturing technology, the original process became economically uncompetitive in the mids, and a similar device was created using epitaxial base technology. Buy transistor kd503, npn, 80 v, 20 a, 150 w, 2 mhz, to3 tesla for 2. The letters assigned for the second character of transistor and diode type numbers differ in several ways, e. This transistor is an electrostatic sensitive device.
To3p fully isolated plastic package transistor cdil. Bipolar transistors bjt discrete semiconductor products transistors bjt single trans npn hp 60v ma sot datasheet. Modern 2n datasheets often, but not always, specify f t of 2. Toshiba field effect transistor silicon n channel mos type. It is used in switching and amplifier applications. D07k datasheet pdf npn 400v 8a 80w 3dd07k, d07k pdf, d07k pinout, d07k equivalent, d07k replacement, output, ic, schematic. Pnp power bipolar transistors these complementary devices are lower power versions of the popular mjw3281a and mjw2a audio output transistors. Advanced emi suppression technology enables the use of inexpensive ferrite bead filters at the outputs while meeting emc requirements. With superior gain linearity and safe operating area performance, these transistors are ideal for high fidelity audio amplifier. Vce limits of the transistor that must be observed for reliable operation. Jun, 2019 bd datasheet, equivalent, cross reference search. Such license agreement may be a breaktheseal or clicktoaccept license agreement.
Kt805 datasheet, kt805 pdf, kt805 pinout, equivalent, replacement transistor etc, schematic, circuit, manual. With changes to semiconductor manufacturing technology, the original process became economically uncompetitive in the mids, and a similar device was created using epitaxial base technology. Kd are packaged in a to3 case style called t41 by teslait is a 20 amp80 voltwatt power transistor. The datasheet is printed for reference information only. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and vulnerability to physical. Kd503 datasheet pdf tesla kd datasheet, af power transistor npn 1page, kd datasheet, kd pdf, kd datasheet pdf, kd pinouts. Sep 20, 2019 buaf transistor datasheet pdf, buaf equivalent. Kd503 datasheet, equivalent, cross reference search. Most likely a 2sc here is a datasheet for the sanken version of that device. Kd503 datasheet, kd503 pdf, kd503 pinout, equivalent, replacement af power transistor npn tesla, schematic, circuit, manual. Transistorstransistors npnpnp datasheet, inventory and pricing.
1177 939 345 1382 1165 848 1584 419 1092 597 423 219 894 1003 543 406 100 1192 783 1228 515 857 914 1518 770 710 1018 1281 1291 208 862 154 1034 954 757 1002 1229 1339 810 1360 583